
New Skill Every Fair CEO Needs

Resource Development is the new skill every Fair CEO should have. Many Fairs, especially those with ties to Government, have created their own non-profit as a way to raise funds for building repair, infrastructure upgrades and vehicle replacement. Does your Fair have a separate non-profit? What is the purpose and role of that separate non-profit?

If you’re new to resource development or currently have a non-profit separate from your Fair, check out the Foundation Center http://foundationcenter.org/ . Their website has alot of useful information and training for grant writing, grant applications, and they have an online foundation directory.

Fairs Need To Change and Evolve

Fairs Need To Change and Evolve

The Fair Industry continues to evolve and change. Nothing will doom a Fair to oblivion faster than “doing the same thing” each and every year. Today’s fairgoers are more sophisticated, more demanding for quality entertainment and more selective in where they spend their discretionary money. Those Fairs who continue doing business as they did 5, 10 and even 15 years ago, will find their attendance, and revenues, declining. The successful Fairs are those that dare to “change it up”.

Consider changing your Fair each year in some way. Maybe you choose 5%, 10% or even 20% to change. Whatever that amount is, carry the change through all departments if possible. From Parking and Admissions to Entertainment and Exhibits. Making small changes annually will enable you and your team to try new programs and projects, gain feedback and make improvements for the next year.

Fair Partners must also continue to evolve and change. From food vendors to the carnival, keeping your “product” fresh and new is challenging, however, many are finding ways to do just that, and, as a result, continue to grow their businesses.

Wildly Successful Fair Book Available For Purchase

Wildly Successful Fair Book Available For Purchase

Book-How to Plan Pay for and Put on a Wildly Successful FairThe book “How To Plan, Pay For and Put On A Wildly Successful Fair” is now available at Amazon. Purchase here: http://amzn.to/1HbcpYG.

This book is a compiliation of interviews with 10 Fair Industry Experts. From Fair CEO’s to entertainment, marketing and finances. This book will provide some great insight into successes and areas for improvements at Fairs across the globe.